Jan. 28th's run: 13 miles in 2:02. Great weather, gets a bit chilly after sun set. Running at 58°F/18°C with direct sunlight isn't as sweaty as I expected. Previously I always finish the run without drinking nor eating. This time, however, I tried some random sports drink at the 9th mile and apparently a taste of sweetness when humans are exhausted turns them into super saiyans for a few minutes.

Jan. 31st's run: 3 miles in 00:30. Great weather, not too humid. The moon looks huge. My left foot arch was aching so I stopped at 3 miles. Perhaps I should rest for a few more days.

Feb 4th's run: 3 miles in 00:36. Starting the run a lot earlier today at 2:30pm. I suspect my left foot is displaying a slight sign of plantar fasciitis. Perhaps it's caused by me running only in the same direction (ccw)? The pain has relieved quite a lot compared to a few days ago fortunately. Next week is gonna be cold, so I'll just rest and wait for the pain to further relieve.

A bit of a stretch, but I couldn't stop imagining how athletes suffering from injuries would feel like. "Birds without wings" might actually be a lot scarier than I've previously thought.

Feb. 8th's run: 4 miles in 00:44. A bit cold today, but I just felt so alive when running. Pain in my left foot have started to fade. I'm taking it easy today and will revert to my normal 6-mile-run next week or so.

Feb. 9th's run: 4 miles in 00:40. Today is a lot warmer. The pain in my left foot have completely vanished. However, my right foot have started to show the same symptom. 😂

M- is the greatest invention ever.

Feb 14th's run: 5 miles in 00:48. Super warm today, easily best weather in the past 3 months. Feels like all the injuires have recovered. Happy Valentine's Day!